Books and Culture
On books and their destiny

The sight of books is an irresistible invitation to pick them up, writes Dabashi
Saturday، 4 October، 201491st Goftegu Public Debate: Books & Freedom of Expression in Balkh

To mark the arrival of Caravan of 3,000 Armanshahr books in Mazar-i-Sharif, the 91st Goftegu debate (6th year), a bridge between the elite and the citizens, of Armanshahr Foundation, entitled “From Book to Freedom of Expression” was organised in Ibn-e Sina University of the city on 5 September 2012. More than 250 men and women, including university professors and students, attended.
Monday، 12 August، 201382nd Goftegu Public Debate: Against Oblivion (screening of Fahrenheit 451 by Francois Truffaut) – 2

The film had been chosen, because it portrayed methods of wiping out collective memory by burning books and controlling the public opinion on the one hand, and the people’s resistance and disobedience on the other, where the people burned among their own books but save them to defend the human experience and collective memory.
Saturday، 10 August، 201381st Goftegu Public Debate: Against Oblivion (screening of Fahrenheit 451 by Francois Truffaut) – 1

81st Goftegu Public Debate: Against Oblivion (screening of Fahrenheit 451 by Francois Truffaut)
Saturday، 10 August، 201374th Goftegu Public Debate: Books with no readers, readers with no writers

Invitation for 74th Goftegu Public Debate: Books with no readers, readers with no writers
Friday، 9 August، 201318th Goftegu Public Debate: Books, writing and reading

Invitation to 18th Goftegu Public Debate: Books, writing and reading
Tuesday، 15 April، 2008