Human Rights
Impunity and Silence: The meagre reaction to the latest HRW report
Source: AAN Author: Thomas Ruttig Date: 4 March 2015 Human rights abuses in Afghanistan no longer make big waves outside the really concerned circles. Yesterday (on 3 March 2015), Human Rights Watch released a hard-hitting piece of […]
Thursday، 5 March، 2015Human rights idealism a hard sell in Afghanistan
Two reports were released on Wednesday reprimanding Afghanistan on its state of human rights. The United Nations Assistance Mission to Afghanistan’s (UNAMA) annual report on torture in detention, states that one-third of the 790 conflict-related detainees interviewed have been tortured or otherwise mistreated.
Sunday، 1 March، 2015UN report documents human rights violations of increasingly sectarian nature
A UN report released Monday documents widespread human rights violations of an increasingly sectarian nature in Iraq, as well as a deterioration of the rule of law in large parts of the country.
Wednesday، 25 February، 2015A do and don’t do list for the new High Commissioner By DAVID PETRASEK The Permanent Representative of Jordan to the United Nations, Prince Zeid Ra’ad Zeid al-Hussein (“Prince Zeid”), has just been nominated as the next United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights. The […]
Wednesday، 9 July، 2014Business and Human Rights: FIDH Calls on the International Community to Enhance Standards and Ensure Redress
This paper is based on five case studies, in Cambodia, Brazil, Libya, the Democratic Republic of Congo and the Occupied Palestinian Territory. The assessment of the effect of corporate activities on the human rights of individuals and communities in these five locations identified shortcomings in the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs), significant difficulties arising with their implementation, and protection gaps which need to be closed.
Wednesday، 12 March، 2014Press Invitation: FIDH – Russie / JO 2014, «SOTCHI. Des barreaux derrière les anneaux»
Sotchi Olympic Games will be the opportunity for human rights group to call on Russia to demonstrate greater respect for universal standards.
Thursday، 23 January، 2014129th Goftegu Public Debate: The fight against corruption and its impact on respect for Human Rights and Rap concert – 3rd day of Human Rights Week – Photo Gallery
On Monday December 9th, 2013, on the occasion of International Anti-Corruption Day, the third round table of Celebration Week for Human rights day (7-11 December 2013) organised by Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA and the Institut français d’Afghanistan […]
Wednesday، 11 December، 2013128th Goftegu Public Debate: Women’s political participation & preservation of achievements, Human Rights Week – Photo Gallery
128th Goftegu Public Debate: Women’s political participation & preservation of achievements, Human Rights Week – Photo Report
OHCHR Report Calls for Integrating Human Rights Standards in Post-2015 Development Goals 22 May 2013: A report from the UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) calls for integrating human rights standards […]
Thursday، 15 August، 2013103rd Goftegu Public Debate: Human rights in deadlock in Afghanistan
Armanshahr’s 103rd Goftegu public debate was held with the title of “One step to collapse? Human rights in deadlock in Afghanistan” in the French Institute on 7 February 2013. This public meeting coincided with the publication of a report by Human Rights Watch titled “Rights at Risk as Military Drawdown Advances” and publication of three new books by Armanshahr: “Human Rights at Crossroads, a joint report of International Federation for Human Rights and Armanshahr Foundation”; “Prison, prisoners and human rights: Politis asia 12-13”; and “War and the city: Politis asia 14-15.”
Wednesday، 14 August، 2013