Accountability for sexual and gender-based crimes at the ICC: An analysis of Prosecutor Bensouda’s legacy

FIDH and Women’s Initiatives for Gender Justice (WIGJ) launch a publication called “Accountability for Sexual and Gender-Based Crimes at the ICC: An Analysis of Prosecutor Bensouda’s Legacy”. Read and Watch Conference
Friday، 2 July، 2021ICC Principals adopt High-Level Statement on Gender Equality

ICC Principals adopt High-Level Statement on Gender Equality: “Gender equality is not only right and necessary but a driver of performance and success for the organisation” On 30 April 2021, Judge Piotr Hofmański, President of […]
Thursday، 20 May، 2021Afghanistan: ICC to Investigate War Crimes, Including US Torture

The Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court (ICC) unanimously decided to authorise an investigation into war crimes and crimes against humanity allegedly committed on the territory of Afghanistan.A pivotal moment for victims in Afghanistan and beyond.
Friday، 6 March، 2020ICC: Appeals Set for Possible Afghanistan Inquiry

“Without the ICC, justice in Afghanistan is an empty slogan. The never-ending impunity in Afghanistan shows why the ICC, as a court of last resort, is so desperately needed.”
Tuesday، 3 December، 2019Amicus Curiae Observations Armanshahr|OPEN ASIA, FIDH, Afghanistan-Transitional Justice Coordination Group (TJCG)

ICC The Afghanistan-Transitional Justice Coordination Group (TJCG), Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA, and the International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH), (collectively the “Organisations”) respectfully submit these submissions pursuant to the ‘Decision on the “Request for Leave to Submit […]
Wednesday، 17 July، 2019For Afghans, International Justice Day is little cause for celebration

The ICC has effectively turned its back on the tens of thousands of Afghan victims of a never ending war, write Amal Nassar, Guissou Jahangiri and Anushka Sehmi.
Wednesday، 17 July، 2019ICC Refuses to Investigate Crimes in Afghanistan, including US Torture: An Unacceptable and Shameful Decision

In an appalling decision, the ICC Pre-Trial Chamber II decided not to grant the Prosecutor’s request to open an investigation into alleged crimes committed in Afghanistan.
Friday، 12 April، 2019ICC Policy Paper on Children
ICC Millions of children, women and men have been, and continue to be, victims of unimaginable atrocities that deeply shock the conscience of humanity. Recognising this, States at the Rome Conference committed to establishing the […]
Wednesday، 26 September، 2018The Accountability of ‘Major Powers’ for Alleged Serious Violations of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law

The Accountability of ‘Major Powers’ for Alleged Serious Violations of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law: Challenges and Prospects. Conference and Launch of Discussion Paper, Hague Humanity Hub, Fluwelen Burgwal 58, 2511 CJ The Hague, Netherlands, 1 October 2018
Friday، 14 September، 2018The Gender Justice Shadow of Complementarity: Lessons from the International Criminal Court’s preliminary examinations in Guinea and Colombia
INTLAWGRRLS — In early July 2013, Human Rights Watch reported that one of the alleged perpetrators of the 2009 Guinea stadium massacre, Lieutenant-Colonel Claude Pivi, has been charged with murder, rape and destruction of property. This […]
Friday، 24 August، 2018