Truth and Justice
ICTJ Examines How Transitional Justice Must Adapt to Difficult Circumstances in Today’s World

A new book by ICTJ titled Justice Mosaics: How Context Shapes Transitional Justice in Fractured Societies, examines the challenges of responding to massive human rights violations in different and difficult circumstances.
Friday، 9 June، 2017Men and Boys Are Victims Of Sexual Violence, Too
ICTJ Something unusual happened on the first day of the public hearings being held by Tunisia’s national Truth and Dignity Commission. Sami Brahim came forward to give personal testimony of having survived sexual violence in […]
Thursday، 20 April، 201790th Goftegu Public Debate: Justice and Rights; Ten Years experience and the roadmap

The 90th Goftegu public debate (6th year), a bridge between the elite and the citizens, of Armanshahr Foundation, entitled “Justice & rights: 10-year experience; a way for the future” was organised in Fayzabad, provincial capital of Badakhshan, at the hall of Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission on 29 August 2012. Human rights and civil society activists, women’s rights activists and many young people attended the meeting to hear discussions based on human rights, victims and justice.
Monday، 12 August، 201388th Goftegu Public Debate: Justice and Rights: One decade of experience and planning for the future

Invitation to 88th Goftegu Public Debate: Justice and Rights: One decade of experience and planning for the future
Monday، 12 August، 201379th Goftegu Public Debate: Seeking truth and justice, a study of half a century of crisis in Afghanistan

The 79th (Year V) Goftegu public debate, a bridge between the elites and the citizens, of Armanshahr Foundation was held in cooperation with the French Institute Afghanistan and Physicians for Human Rights at the Institute’s amphitheatre on 21 July 2011 under the title of “In search of truth and justice, a study of half a century of crisis in Afghanistan” and to introduce to newly published books: ‘A Review of War Ruins’, and ‘A selection of Simorgh Stories’. The speakers were: Messers Stefan Schmidt (from Physicians for Human Rights), Alireza Rohani (Senior adviser at the AIHRC and Director of Law faculty Ibn Sina University), Rafigh Shaheer (Member of Parliament), Aziz Rafiee (Managing Director of Afghanistan Civil Society Forum.( About 60 human rights activists, students, academics and media representatives were present at the meeting.
Saturday، 10 August، 201373rd Goftegu Public Debate: In search of truth and justice in Afghanistan

Armanshahr Foundation organised its 73rd Goftegu public debate under the title of “In search of truth and justice in Afghanistan, national and international mechanisms,” in its offices on 23rd April 2011. Two dozen students and civil society activists of Afghanistan participated at the meeting.
Friday، 9 August، 2013