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Pourquoi Tachkent entre à nouveau dans le jeu afghan ?

NOVASTAN  Novastan reprend et traduit un article initialement publié par le média kazakh en ligne, 365info.kz. Le 12 août dernier, une délégation des Talibans est venue discuter à Tachkent sur l’invitation des autorités ouzbèkes. Un évènement […]

Thursday، 23 August، 2018

UZBEKISTAN: Political Order, Societal Changes, and Cultural Transformation

Marlene Laruelle, editor Academic knowledge on Uzbekistan blossomed in the 1990s, before drying up in the 2000s and 2010s with the closure of the country and the increased difficulty of doing fieldwork. However, research has […]

Sunday، 29 October، 2017

The UN calls on Uzbekistan to address a long list of women’s rights violations

FIDH Paris-Geneva – The United Nations has taken an important stand for women’s rights in Uzbekistan, consider FIDH and its member organisation “Fiery Hearts Club”. The UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women […]

Monday، 7 March، 2016

Uzbekistan under review by the UN Committee against Torture: report on Uzbekistan’s implementation of the CAT

Uzbek Bureau on Human Rights and Rule of Law (UBHRRL), with the support of FIDH, published a report on “Uzbekistan’s Implementation of the UN Convention against Torture “.

Monday، 21 October، 2013


The Uzbek government continues to force its citizens to work in cotton fields, in hazardous conditions and for no or negligible pay. Meanwhile, the Government has indicated no interest in ending the forced-labour production system.

Thursday، 29 August، 2013