Rights of Migrants in Action: Child Protection Projects

Synthesis Report of Lessons Learned in Benin, Ecuador, Ethiopia, Guatemala, and Indonesia.

The “Rights of Migrants in Action” (RoMiA) was a global project that aimed to protect and promote the rights of migrants while harnessing the knowledge and building the capacity of civil society organizations (CSO). The project focused on enforcing and promoting the rights of, and improving access to services, for migrant domestic workers (MDWs) and victims of human trafficking (VoT), as these are particularly vulnerable groups. Working in 15 countries along migration corridors, the project reflected, from a national and regional perspective, the challenges faced by migrants, their families, governments and service providing organizations.  From 2014 to 2017, the project has supported 43 CSOs in increasing access to services for
MDWs and VoTs with different areas of focus, depending on national and regional migration trends, the needs of CSOs and, most importantly, the needs of migrants.

Download: Rights of Migrants in Action: Child Protection Projects

Publication date: 02/08/2018