Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA
Tribute to Nelson Mandela: The Passing of a Man of Peace

FIDH and its 178 member organizations throughout the world, including Lawyers for Human Rights (LHR) in South Africa, pay tribute to Nelson Mandela.
Sunday 8 December 2013Open letter: For a renewed strategic support to human rights in Afghanistan

FIDH-Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA briefer on Afghanistan available here. Paris, Kabul 03 December 2013 Dear Ms. Ashton, Dear Mr. Mellbin, Dear Ambassadors, 2014 will be a crucial year for Afghanistan, marked by the beginning of a decisive […]
Wednesday 4 December 2013Celebration Week of Human Rights Day in Kabul, December 7th-11th 2013

Celebration Week of Human Rights Day Kabul, Afghanistan December 7th-11th 2013. Join us for a week-full programme of training, debates with prestigous speakers, culture, books, arts and music.
Friday 29 November 2013Navi Pillay, High Commissioner for Human Rights responds to Armanshahr and 27 Afghanistan HR organisations

In a letter of 8 November 2013, Navi Pillay, UN Human Rights Commissioner states: “I share your concern about any backtracking on gains made with regards to women’s rights in Afghanistan, especially in light of the elections […]
Friday 15 November 201328 Afghan human rights, women’s rights and civil society organisations and networks publish today an open letter to Ms. Navi Pillay, UN Human Rights Commissioner

28 Afghan human rights, women’s rights & civil society organisations & networks publish today an open letter to Ms. Navy Pillay, UN Human Rights Commissioner & draw her attention to serious human rights violations & offer detailed recommendations to the Gvt. of Afghanistan & the ICC.
Wednesday 25 September 2013HUMAN RIGHTS AT A CROSSROADS: The need for a rights-centred approach to peace and reconciliation in Afghanistan

Joint FIDH and Armanshahr/OPEN ASIA report Executive Summary Afghanistan has been torn by war for more than 30 years. At least 70% of the population was born after the Soviet invasion in 1979 and has […]
Sunday 22 September 2013Oral statement at CEDAW 55th session

The session considered reports from the following seven State parties: Afghanistan, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Cape Verde, Cuba, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Dominican Republic, Serbia, and United Kingdom.
Thursday 29 August 2013The government should not violate the Constitution through peace roadmap and release of Taliban prisoners

Press Release Transitional Justice Coordination Group (TJCG) 14 January 2013 Conference Hall of Afghan Civil Society Forum (ACSF) Afghanistan is passing through one of the most critical juncture of its history and it is located […]
Thursday 15 August 2013Call to musicians for submission of works to the 3rd Simorgh Peace Prize

Call to musicians for submission of works to the 3rd Simorgh Peace Prize
Tuesday 7 May 2013Call for participation in Simorgh Literary Competition to Mark the International Day of Peace

“Simorgh” is a call for the citizenry to chant against war, militarism, torture and ill-treatment as well as all forms of violence and destructive interference in our home. It is a home for collating our calls on the path of peace and pride of the people of Afghanistan.
Thursday 11 April 2013