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Calls and Statements

Statement – The Observatory – AFGHANISTAN: Attacks on civil society and human rights defenders intensify

Paris-Geneva, March 4, 2021 – Over the past five months, the situation of human rights defenders and journalists has deteriorated significantly in Afghanistan, with at least fourteen targeted killings and constant harassment reported. The Observatory […]

Thursday 4 March 2021

197th Dialogue: Launch conference of the Campaign “Words matter: 61 words, 61 days to combat SGBV”

Launch conference of the “Words are important: 61 words, 61 days to combat SGBV” Campaign, with experts from Afghanistan, Iran, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Kurdistan Region.

Thursday 4 March 2021

Killing of Human Rights Defenders and Media Professionals in Afghanistan – New UN Report

Press Release   KILLING OF HUMAN RIGHTS DEFENDERS AND MEDIA PROFESSIONALS IN AFGHANISTAN – NEW UN REPORT KABUL, 15 February 2021 – The period following the start of Afghanistan Peace Negotiations in September 2020 has […]

Monday 15 February 2021

OPEN ASIA|Armanshahr Foundation has joined an open letter by 55 NGOs to Biden: support access to justice for all by rescinding Trump-era executive order impeding ICC’s work

OPEN ASIA|Armanshahr Foundation has joined an open letter by 55 NGOs to Biden: support access to justice for all by rescinding Trump-era executive order impeding ICC’s work.   Dear Mr. President, The International Federation for Human […]

Thursday 28 January 2021

Mark the days: OPEN ASIA|Armanshahr|40Braids celebrating 25th Anniversary with Human Rights Week 8th edition

OPEN ASIA To mark 25th Anniversary, Human Rights Week – 8th edition Of War and Collective Memory, 25 NOV-11 DEC. 5 Dialogues | 2 Workshops | 10 Films | 5 New Books | Photo Exhibition | Poetry evening | International Simorgh Peace Prize Call (7 th edition) Herat-Paris-Dushanbe-London

Friday 27 November 2020

“Words matter because they allow us to keep our eyes open” FIDH launch conference of the Glossary on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence

The Glossary on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence, from A-to Z was presented in a conference on the occasion of the International Day to Eliminate Violence Against Women and the start of 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence. The A-to Z sheds light on 61 essential terms on SGBV.

Thursday 26 November 2020

Release Conference – Glossary on sexual and gender-based violence, from A-to-Z -Online event

FIDH launches the “Glossary on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence, from A-to-Z in a webinar with experts on Wednesday, 25 November 2020.

Monday 23 November 2020

Femicide Watch call 2020

UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences, Dubravka Simonovic, in 2015, to establish a “femicide watch” and/or observatories on gender related killings of women,

Thursday 12 November 2020

Afghan, Australian and international human rights and legal organisations call for public release of Justice Brereton’s Afghanistan Inquiry report

Over 20 organisations including OPEN ASIA|Armanshahr Foundation wrote to the Assistant Inspector-General of the Australian Defence Force, urging him to commit to releasing the report of the Inquiry into allegations of breaches of int. humanitarian law by Australian special forces in Afghanistan.

Friday 30 October 2020

Innovating to combat violence against women in the context of COVID19

Webinar exchange between women’s rights defenders from France, Mexico, South Africa, and Tunisia, four countries in which feminist organisations reacted quickly to the exacerbation of violence against women linked to the COVID-19 crisis.

Monday 17 August 2020