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Members of FIDH Movement in prison

In various parts of the world human rights defenders brave legal harassment, arbitrary detention, ill treatment, torture and sometimes death, in seeking to secure freedom and dignity for all. In challenging serious abuses of State […]

Thursday 15 August 2013

106th-111th Goftegu Public Debate: International women’s Film Festival – “Women, most qualified ambassadors of peace!”

Armanshahr Foundation and Roya Film House, headed by Guissou Jahangiri and Roya Sadat respectively, organised “The First International Women’s Film Festival-Herat” at the ancient citadel of Herat, 7-9 March 2013, marking 8 March, the International Women’s Day. More than 1500 people attended. The Festival Secretariat had received 100 films from 20 countries, out of which 10 films from Afghanistan and 25 films from other countries were screened. Several filmmakers from Afghanistan, Iran, Tajikistan and India were guests of the Festival.

Thursday 15 August 2013

100 and 101th Goftegu Public Debate: Armanshahr celebrated its 15th Anniversary with Simorgh peace prize awards

The 15th anniversary of the establishment of Armanshahr Foundation/Open Asia was celebrated in its 100th Goftegu meeting during which the winners of the first and second Simorgh peace prize were announced.

Tuesday 13 August 2013

100th and 101st Goftegu Public Debates: 15 years Armanshahr, celebrated with Simorgh peace prize awards

The 15th anniversary of the establishment of Armanshahr Foundation/Open Asia was celebrated in its 100th Goftegu meeting during which the winners of the first and second Simorgh peace prize were announced. Furthermore, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Tajikistan and the National Library of Tajikistan were praised for two decades of publishing services and cultural achievements, respectively. Two thousand books were donated to the National Library.

Tuesday 13 August 2013

70th Goftegu Public Debate: Women, Peace and Cinema

On the occasion of International Women’s Day Armanshahr Foundation, Roya Film House in collaboration with the French Institute of Afghanistan and Kaboora Production are pleased to invite you to the 70th (year V) public event GOFTEGU

Wednesday 7 August 2013

66th Goftegu Public Debate: Books with no readers, readers with no writers: what to do with the book crisis?

Armanshahr Foundation in collaboration with the French Institute of Afghanistan is pleased to invite you to its 66th (year V) public debate GOFTEGU on the occasion of Armanshahr’s SEVEN NEW publications Speakers: Nancy Dupree (Afghanistan […]

Tuesday 6 August 2013

65th Goftegu Public Debate: «Re-visiting our collective memory»

The 65th Goftegu public debate of Armanshahr Foundation was held at the French Cultural Centre on 14 December 2010, during the Human Rights Week for Victims, under the heading, “Revisiting our collective memory and the public presentation of Simorgh’s Feather anthology.”

Tuesday 6 August 2013

61st Goftegu Public Debate: Simorgh on the Peak of Peace

Armanshahr Foundation in collaboration with the French Cultural Center in Kabul (CCF) is pleased to invite you to its 61st (year IV) public event GOFTEGU.

Monday 5 August 2013

Armanshahr issues 31-32, May 2013, Special Simorgh Peace Prize published

Human Rights & Civil Society Periodical, Special issue on Simorgh Peace Prize, May 2013 reports and interviews under: GOFTEGU debates, HR, Women, Children’s Books, Armanshahr/ FIDH: Call for Greater Commitment by Afghan Government & the UN System

Monday 5 August 2013

45th Goftegu Public Debate: Molana Jalaledin Balkhi’s (Roumi) 802th anniversary

Armanshahr Foundation has the pleasure of inviting you to its 45th (year IV) monthly GOFTEGU commemorating Molana Jalaledin Balkhi’s (Roumi) 802th anniversary.

Monday 22 July 2013