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Limited justice for Syria on the horizon

As the long and tumultuous Syrian civil war grinds on, the cascade of death, displacement and physical destruction shows no signs of ending. Syrian being evacuated from Zamlka in Syria’s eastern Al-Ghouta province outside Damascus,Syria, […]

Monday 9 April 2018

Fifteen Unseen Powerful Documentary Photographic Stories

 121 Clicks Documenting people and the stories beyond the ordinary is one of the fascinating and daunting task in terms of Photojournalism. The Lives of those affected, the way they come into terms into reality […]

Monday 9 April 2018

“America destroyed my country”

Qantara – Fifteen years ago, on 20 March 2003, the United States and its allies invaded Iraq. Iraqi novelist and poet Sinan Antoon describes the pain of watching his country disintegrate in the aftermath, made all […]

Wednesday 4 April 2018

The science of balance and Dariush Shayegan

Dariush Shayegan, one of the Islamic world’s foremost philosophers, died at the age of 83 in Tehran.

Wednesday 4 April 2018

German-Turkish film festival defies the odds

Sending a message Qantara – This year’s Film Festival Turkey Germany has kicked off without any financial backing from Turkey. Ankara withdrew funding at the last minute from an event that it seems to perceive as […]

Thursday 22 March 2018

Everything you need to know about Nowruz, the New Year for many

 Every year, Nowruz coincides with the start of spring and traditionally celebrates the rebirth of nature. It also coincides with the spring equinox.

Friday 16 March 2018

The Woman Behind International Women’s Day Was a Refugee and a Socialist

“The woman question,” she wrote, “is nothing more or less than a question of human rights. That the emancipation of woman means in reality the emancipation of the human being within her.’”

Monday 12 March 2018

Do Women Count?

On the occasion of International Women’s Rights Day, FIDH is launching a website page presenting 101 shocking statistics on sexist violence and discrimination against women worldwide.

Friday 9 March 2018

This is how the global feminist revolution began

This is no utopia. We still have our problems. Power inequalities still exist. Parliamentary democracy is just one, and not necessarily the best, way of doing democracy.

Thursday 8 March 2018

Juste Une Gifle? Entretien avec l’auteur Niki Konstantinidou

Paris, 8 mars 2018. Armanshahr / OPEN ASIA soutient le lancement du livre “Juste Une Gifle?” par Niki Konstantinidou (nom de plume Katya Stiletti) à l’occasion de la journée internationale de la femme. Une interview […]

Thursday 8 March 2018