Human Rights
The Last 2 Sikhs in the Taliban’s Heartland

The Diplomat – A religious minority that has weathered many episodes of Afghanistan’s turbulent history may soon disappear. LASHKAR GAH, HELMAND, AFGHANISTAN – Like many other Afghans, Satnam Singh rides on a bicycle to work in […]
Thursday 27 September 2018Toward an End to Child Marriage

What Works to Prevent Child Marriage in development and humanitarian settings? A new Study from UC Berkeley’s Human Rights Center and Save the Children.
Thursday 20 September 2018Rights of Migrants in Action: Child Protection Projects

IFRC / Synthesis Report of lessons learned in the project “Rights of Migrants in Action” (RoMiA) a global project that aimed to protect and promote the rights of migrants.
Wednesday 5 September 2018Women Make Peace Stick

FP: As the mothers’ van headed deep into Tamil Tiger territory, it was suddenly encircled by young boys in sarongs with automatic weapons. But the five women inside it had sent missives ahead through the […]
Monday 3 September 2018OPEN ASIA|Armanshahr among 127 Rights groups call for immediate release of Nabeel Rajab after UN group calls his detention arbitrary and discriminatory

OPEN ASIA|Armanshahr among 127 Rights groups call for immediate release of Nabeel Rajab after UN group (WGAD) calls his detention arbitrary and discriminatory.
Wednesday 29 August 2018REPORT: Gender equality & male engagement; It only works if everyone plays

ICRW GENDER EQUITY & MALE ENGAGEMENT (REPORT) It only works if everyone plays Meaningful engagement with men and boys is increasingly recognized as critical to gender equality and equity, necessary not only for women’s […]
Monday 27 August 2018An evolutionary analysis of gender-based war crimes and the continued tolerance of “forced marriage”

Research: An evolutionary analysis of gender-based war crimes and the continued tolerance of “forced marriage”.
Friday 24 August 2018Policy Paper on Sexual and Gender-Based Crimes
ICC — Over the past few decades, the international community has taken progressive steps to put an end to impunity for sexual and gender-based crimes. The Statute of the ICC is the first international instrument […]
Friday 24 August 2018Film tracks first Afghan woman to seek justice over incest

Reuters – NEW DELHI, June 18 (Thomson Reuters Foundation) – Beaten up, raped and repeatedly impregnated by her father for more than a decade – a young woman’s fight for justice in the face of threats, oppression […]
Thursday 23 August 2018Bangladesh: Rohingya rape survivors battle stigma

In a community that considers victims of sexual violence a disgrace, women are left alone to suffer.
Thursday 16 August 2018