Human Rights
Celebration Week of Human Rights Day in Kabul, December 7th-11th 2013

Celebration Week of Human Rights Day Kabul, Afghanistan December 7th-11th 2013. Join us for a week-full programme of training, debates with prestigous speakers, culture, books, arts and music.
Friday 29 November 2013Call for the immediate release of human rights defender Nabeel Rajab

Mr. Rajab, President of the Bahrain Centre for Human Rights (BCHR), is serving a two years’ imprisonment sentence for advocating and exercising the right to peaceful assembly. He has been detained since July 9, 2012. […]
Friday 22 November 2013Situation des femmes “prisonnières” du four à pain
FIDH Recommendations to the 12th Assembly of States Parties to the Statute of the International Criminal Court

On the occasion of the 12th session of the Assembly of States Parties (ASP) to the Statute of the International Criminal Court (ICC), which takes place from 20 to 28 November 2013 in The Hague, FIDH […]
Thursday 21 November 2013Navi Pillay, High Commissioner for Human Rights responds to Armanshahr and 27 Afghanistan HR organisations

In a letter of 8 November 2013, Navi Pillay, UN Human Rights Commissioner states: “I share your concern about any backtracking on gains made with regards to women’s rights in Afghanistan, especially in light of the elections […]
Friday 15 November 2013Afghans Flee Homes as U.S. Pulls Back

Wall Street Journal By MARGHERITA STANCATI in Kabul and RACHEL PANNETT in Makassar, Indonesia More than 590,000 Afghans had been displaced by fighting and Taliban threats by late August. Wazira, a 37-year-old mother of six, abandoned her home and […]
Thursday 14 November 2013Festival Cinéma et Droit Humain 13-19 Nov. 2013 Amnesty International Paris

La 4e édition du Festival cinéma et droits humains du 13 au 19 novembre 2013, tous les soirs à 20h au Cinéma le Saint André des Arts à Paris. Onze courts-métrages en compétition, et six longs-métrages dont la projection sera suivie d’un débat.
Wednesday 13 November 2013That Other Big Afghan Crisis, the Growing Army of Addicts

The number of drug users in Afghanistan is estimated to be as high as 1.6 million, or about 5.3 percent of the population, among the highest rates in the world. Nationwide, one in 10 urban households has at least one drug user.
Monday 11 November 2013Tajikistan: Crackdown on opposition ahead of presidential elections
Umeddzhon Tojiev, an activist from one of Tajikistan’s major opposition parties allegedly threw himself out of the third floor window of a police station following interrogation. He had been arrested for ’insubordination to police officers’.
Wednesday 6 November 2013Human rights abusers must not be elected to Human Rights Council
The int. community should ensure that States responsible for gross human rights violations & that fail to protect human rights defenders or cooperate with the UN are not elected to the UN’s top human rights body.
Wednesday 6 November 2013