FIDH Statement for the 20th Session of the Assembly of States Parties to the ICC Statute

On 8 December, Guissou Jahangiri, FIDH Vice-President and Director of OPEN ASIA | Armanshahr, delivered FIDH’s statement during the general debate of #ASP20. See video recording and read full text (extended version) hereafter. Excellencies, […]
Thursday 9 December 2021“Words matter because they allow us to keep our eyes open” FIDH launch conference of the Glossary on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence

The Glossary on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence, from A-to Z was presented in a conference on the occasion of the International Day to Eliminate Violence Against Women and the start of 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence. The A-to Z sheds light on 61 essential terms on SGBV.
Thursday 26 November 2020Release Conference – Glossary on sexual and gender-based violence, from A-to-Z -Online event

FIDH launches the “Glossary on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence, from A-to-Z in a webinar with experts on Wednesday, 25 November 2020.
Monday 23 November 2020Happenings in The Hague: An explainer on the recent ICC decision on Afghanistan

It seems the world of international justice was overjoyed on March 5, 2020. What happened? A lot! The Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court (ICC) authorised the Prosecutor to investigate the crimes against humanity and war […]
Wednesday 11 March 2020The Politics of Peace: How ICC Intervention Impacts Accountability in Countries that Fail to Provide Justice to Victims

SOURCE 18TH SESSION OF THE ASSEMBLY OF STATES PARTIES TO THE ROME STATUTE Day 3 (4 December 2019) Name of the Event: The Politics of Peace: How ICC Intervention Impacts Accountability in Countries that […]
Monday 16 December 2019Not so model: the reality of women incarcerated in Thailand’s ’model’ prisons

Flawed models – Implementation of int. standards in Thailand’s ‘model’ prisons for women. “The designation of ‘model’ prisons is an attempt to disguise the dreadful reality of women incarcerated in Thailand. Conditions are not even close to meeting minimum int. standards.
Saturday 14 December 2019ICC: Appeals Set for Possible Afghanistan Inquiry

“Without the ICC, justice in Afghanistan is an empty slogan. The never-ending impunity in Afghanistan shows why the ICC, as a court of last resort, is so desperately needed.”
Tuesday 3 December 2019Global event 40th FIDH Congress 21-25, 2019,Taipei

The 40th FIDH Congress will take place October 21-25, 2019 in Taipei, Taiwan, bringing together 450 representatives of local, regional and international civil society, experts, diplomats, representatives of international institutions, Taiwanese political authorities, and our financial partners
Tuesday 15 October 2019IRAN: New report documents the systematic criminalisation of human rights defenders

(Paris, Geneva) Human rights defenders in Iran, long-time targets of the government, have been subjected to systematic judicial harassment since late 2017. The Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders, an FIDH-OMCT partnership, sheds […]
Thursday 22 August 2019TAJIKISTAN: How human rights defenders are being squeezed out

The report Their last stand? How human rights defenders are being squeezed out inTajikistan, published by the World Organisation Against Torture and FIDH,outlines how the authorities have increasingly restricted the legal space to provide assistance to victims of human rights violations & torture.
Tuesday 2 July 2019