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Beijing Declaration

CSW59 –Beijing Betrayed

Two decades after the Fourth World Conference on Women, women and girls around the world deserve better than this year’s CSW outcomes

Tuesday، 7 April، 2015

Follow-up to the 4th World Conference on Women and Full Implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the Outcome of the 23rd special session of the General Assembly, G.A. Res. 60/140, U.N. Doc. A/RES/60/140 (Feb. 7, 2006

Follow-up to the Fourth World Conference on Women and full implementation of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action and the outcome of the twenty-third special session of the General Assembly The General Assembly, Recalling […]

Tuesday، 5 August، 2014

Further Actions and Initiatives to Implement the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, G.A. Res. 23/10 (special session), U.N. Doc. A/RES/S-23/3 (Nov. 16, 2000).

Further actions and initiatives to implement the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action The General Assembly Adopts the further actions and initiatives to implement the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, annexed to the present resolution. I. Introduction […]

Tuesday، 5 August، 2014

Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, Fourth World Conference on Women, 15 September 1995, A/CONF.177/20 (1995) and A/CONF.177/20/Add.1 (1995).

Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action adopted by the Fourth World Conference on Women: Action for Equality, Development and Peace, Beijing, 15 September 1995 Chapter 1 Mission Statement Chapter 2 Global Framework Chapter 3 Critical […]

Tuesday، 5 August، 2014