Afghanistan Women’s 50% Campaign was established through the initiative of Armanshahr Foundation, National Union of Women of Afghanistan and Afghanistan Women’s Political Participation Committee on the eve of the Presidential Election in 2009 to campaign for demands of women. Now the 50% Campaign has published a detailed report on its goals, demands and activities since its beginning.

The pamphlet has four ports. Part 1 contains a report on how the 50% Campaign took shape and its performance from the start to winter 2011. The report also introduces the committees formed to organise the activities. Part 2 deals with the election campaigns during the second Presidential Election and women’s position in those campaigns. Part 3, with the title of 50% Campaign’s Demands, has outlined details of its goals and demands and occasionally the specific mechanisms to achieve them.

Those goals have been arranged in seven main categories: 1) Endeavouring to achieve a lasting and just peace by peaceful means and putting an end to belligerent solutions and non-transparent negotiations with the perpetrators of wars and suppression; 2) Ensuring security for women (in regard to work, marriage, access to a fair judicial system); 3) General mobilisation for women’s literacy and allocating the required financial and human resources to the task; 4) Endeavouring to change the discriminatory laws against women and inserting the principle of unconditional gender equality in all laws; 5) Endeavouring to create equal political, social and economic opportunities for men and women; 6) Endeavouring to create employment opportunities for women heads of families, invalids and disabled; 7) Endeavouring to improve access of all women to health and hygiene resources.

The final part of the pamphlet is dedicated to the presence of the 50% Campaign in important conferences and gatherings, e.g. the London Conference, the Kabul Conference, the Peace Jirga and others. All statements of the Campaign have been included as an appendix to the final part.
Print-run: 1,000 copies
Pages: 66
Date of publication: Winter 2011

67th Goftegu Public Debate: Report on demands and activities of 50% Campaign